The problem of premature ejaculation has a definite treatment and solution

 The problem of premature ejaculation has a definite treatment and solution -008

There is no doubt that many men of all ages complain of this major problem that is disturbing their lives - and that one of the main reasons behind this problem is the bad and unstable psychological state and mood - anxiety, fear and tension are all factors that may accelerate premature ejaculation - as well as thinking about something and being preoccupied with other matters. There are others hidden in the mind that make a person unprepared for the fatigue of the sexual process - and therefore whoever complains of this phenomenon must search for those reasons, if they exist, and then treat them without resorting to a doctor.

Anxiety, lack of preparation, and use in engaging in sexual intercourse make it end in failure - and every sexual intercourse must be preceded by more time between the spouses to sit together in silence, and there is no harm in starting a conversation that includes some joking and laughter, while applying the appropriate perfume, and preparing both spouses in a way that makes them receptive. This process is done without difficulty and without worry - many people engage in sexual intercourse in haste, without having time to talk, courtship, talk of love, or exciting words between spouses - this is not forbidden, but rather it helps in getting closer and courting between them, so there is no room for worry and tension after that.

But if the condition is due to an organic disease and a defect in the body, such as blood pressure, a malfunction of the thyroid gland, or other causes in the male reproductive system - a specialist doctor must be consulted to search for the reasons behind this problem - and there are some herbs for treatment of this, such as the herbal medicine, which you can find at the herbalist. However, one must be very careful with this pill because excessive or addictive use of it leads to liver damage. However, it is recommended to use medicinal cream according to the doctor’s prescription and stay away from other suspicious medications of unknown origin.

Also, exercising on a daily basis, being completely calm, using perfumes, and staying away from everything that might cause anxiety, tension, and nervousness - the wife also has a great responsibility in this, as she must beautify herself for the husband, search for what he hates, stay away from it and what he loves, and offer it to him - and there are reputable herbs that are not It has harmful effects, such as drinking boiled radish seeds and black seed, all of which enhance sexual desire, as well as pomegranates, watermelon, and natural bee honey, not adulterated - and your safety.


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