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How to Detect and Treat Anxiety Symptoms in Dogs

  How to Detect and Treat Anxiety Symptoms in Dogs -003 How to Detect and Treat Anxiety Symptoms in Dogs. A world without dogs would be crazy. It would be lonely for most of us if we lost our favorite canine companions.  Fortunately, almost every household in the US had had at least one dog. Dogs are animals that need special care and extra attention from us humans. Compared to cats, dogs are more active and showy to their companions. Cats just lie and sleep most of the day. It only moves toward you to get is dose of petting or to ask for food.  Most of the time, cats would rather sleep or groom themselves. Dogs are different. They are playful, they interact with other people and other dogs as well. They show appreciation to their owner, in one way or another.  Men and dogs have become ultimate partners, helping each other... enjoying a complimentary relationship. Dogs are also utilized outside the home, even in law enforcement. The police have canine units that help them in searching

How to deal with a cat that damages and scratches furniture

 How to deal with a cat that damages and scratches furniture -006 How to deal with a cat that damages and scratches furniture. It's natural for cats to scratch but often it destroys your good furniture. Thankfully there are some things that you can do to relieve the problem. Many people watch in sadness as their cat destroys virtually everything that he can get his claws into.  You can improve this behavior.  To do so, you need to know why he is doing what he is doing. Why Scratching? Cats were hunters.  They needed those sharp teeth to help them to climb trees and to leap down on their prey.  Although your cat is not likely to be pouncing on their dinner anymore, they still instinctively need to sharpen their claws and that is exactly what they are doing on your furniture.  The scratching that they do is a way of trimming their nails and it removes the old outer part of the claws.  Another reason they are ruining your home is because they know it to be their territory.  They relea

How to Understand Dogs Your dog may be telling you something through signals

   How to Understand Dogs Your dog may be telling you something through signals 005 Is barking a form of language among dogs with precise significance, or just playful noise? Dogs exchange information among themselves less by voice than by a wide range of facial expressions, body postures and gestures, as well as by various scents. Dogs, who bark at night, are probably working off excess energy or announcing their presence, and this is undoubtedly the only message conveyed to other dogs within ear shot.  When a dog goes to his owner and deliberately barks, it is simply meant to attract attention. You must try to guess his general behavior, rather than from the circumstances and his general behavior, rather than from the particular form or pitch of bark he makes. The howling or baying of hunting dogs is an instinctive hunting cry informing the pack that the dog is on a trail. Barking at strange noises is a warning as well as a threat display. A lonely dog who bowls may be sending out a

Fatty acids are very nutritious and a general tonic for pets

 Fatty acids are very nutritious and a general tonic for pets -008 Fatty acids are very nutritious and a general tonic for pets. Many pet food diets are lacking in essential fatty acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6). These are important fats that are used to promote healthy cardiovascular, digestive, and skin functions. They also help control weight gain and work to prevent many diseases and disorders. Find out more about EFA's and why your dog's diet should include them. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are a requirement in everyone's diet, for both human and animal. However, the body cannot produce EFAs on its own, so it must be added to the diet each day. The two most commonly known fatty acids are omega 3 (linoleic acid) and omega 6 (alpha-linoleic acid). The diets of our pets, like people, tend to include more omega 6 fatty acids rather than omega 3. This is an imbalance that needs to be improved upon. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential as they help with the proper formation of cel

Now you can take care of your parrot and maintain its health and beauty

Now you can take care of your parrot and maintain its health and beauty.  -004 Parrots make wonderful family pets because they are great companions, they are beautiful birds with colorful feathers and you can teach them to talk. But you must have a strong level of commitment to your parrot because he will need daily and weekly maintenance, as well as plenty of attention. What a Parrot Needs When you consider how to take care of you parrot, you will have to consider what you will need to get started. The first thing you will need is a large cage for your parrot to live in. Make sure it is big enough for him to move around a bit and be comfortable. To occupy his time and make him feel comfortable you should place a mirror, a swing and a toy in the cage. You will also need something to properly line the cage. What To Feed Your Parrot A parrot should have a healthy, well-balanced diet. It should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat and grains. Peanut butter and cooked eggs are o

Information for Aquarium and Saltwater Fish Keepers

   Information for Aquarium and Saltwater Fish Keepers -007 Information for Aquarium and Saltwater Fish Keepers.Saltwater aquarium fish are amongst the most beautiful of animals, Any marine enthusiast will tell you that setting up a marine tank is tricky and so is choosing the right saltwater aquarium fish!. The majority of saltwater aquarium fish are collected from nature rather than captive raised so dont waste that gift by making mistakes that result in the death of your fish. Damsels are a great saltwater aquarium fish to start off with. Damsels are hardy little creatures and can survive in poorer water conditions than many other marine species. They are not fussy about their food and wont cost you the earth. Unfortunately damsels are also quite aggressive. You can easily keep one or two of these tough saltwater aquarium fish in a tank but dont try any more than that. Mollies are an alternative starter saltwater aquarium fish. Mollies that are used to salt water allow you to start

A general and detailed explanation of custom dog tags for domestic pets

A general and detailed explanation of custom dog tags for domestic pets  -012 Have you been shopping and shopping for just the right dog tag, without finding what youre looking for to suit your dogs personality? Choose your exact specifications, give them to the manufacturer, and theyll produce a dog tag to your liking. Some retailers even specialize in custom dog tags. Do you like the look and solid feel of stainless steel, brass, or aluminum? Or perhaps you are not picky, and just need a plastic tag. Plastic wont last quite as long, but they are inexpensive and easily replaceable. A metal or plastic dog tag shouldnt cost more than $40 in most cases, and in many cases they cost under $10. You can have all of your dogs ID information imprinted in the surface of any metal or plastic dog tag. Some dog tags are jeweled. You can sometimes choose an exact pattern that you wish the design to be in. If you want the shape of a cursive R for Rex, and you want it done in rhinestone, you can find

18 Essential Steps When Starting to Train Your Pet Dog

  18 Essential Steps When Starting to Train Your Pet Dog -013 A well-train dog usually leads a happier and healthier life and its owner also can enjoy a trouble-free life long companion. Dog training - basic obedience, house and potty training are therefore essential and important to a dogs education. The conventional method of dog training tips and guide would be to list a series of things that you should Do and you might even know the A-Z of dog training! But sometimes what should be done can be said best by telling what should not be done. Hope you agree with me! This article seeks to list 18 Dont when you train your dog. The reasons for the don'ts will become evident as the lessons continue and each one is based upon the distinctive psychology of the dog's mind. 1. DON'T punish your dog while you are angry or lack control of yourself. 2. DON'T punish your dog with the lead or any instrument of training or anything he should associate with duty or pleasure. 3. DON

Caring for Ornamental Fish to Survive Saltwater and Other Marine Animals

  Caring for Ornamental Fish to Survive Saltwater and Other Marine Animals -015 Which saltwater aquarium you choose will depend on your aims for the tank and your personal preferences. There are many different options available in terms of the fish and animals you can keep in your tank as well as the equipment you can choose from. Some saltwater aquariums are not suited for the absolute beginner. The first thing to decide when setting up saltwater aquariums is what kind of fish you want to keep. Not all marine species are suited to beginners so you might have to adapt your wish-list to suit your level of expertise. Never take on species that are for advanced fish keepers or you could well run into trouble. There are two main kinds of saltwater aquariums namely 1) fish only or 2) fish only with live rock OR reef tanks. The first is probably the easiest saltwater aquariums to attempt. This is because in saltwater aquariums of this nature, lighting is not really an issue and you can use a

How to take care of a cat so that it becomes healthy and clean

How to take care of a cat so that it becomes healthy and clean  -017 As a cat lover, you would naturally want to know as much as you can about your kitty's health! Your little bundle of fur can be practically considered as part of the family, so why wouldn't you make sure that he is happy and healthy?  In this article we will look at a few starting points for your cats health. Cat health is strongly affected by what kitty eats. Obesity is a major factor in heart disease particularly as your cat gets older. Choose a pet food for your cat that is right for its age but feed it regularly. If in doubt get your veternarians advice as your cat can have completely different nurtient needs to what you would expect! Longhaired cats should be groomed regularly for optimum cat health. Use a pet brush and groom no less than once a week. This is a great way to bond with kitty! The litter box can be a danger to both cat health and human health if it isnt cleaned regularly. Change your pets li

Watch common diseases that affect ornamental fish

  Watch common diseases that affect ornamental fish -010 There are a lot of diseases fish can suffer from, and a majority of them are infections. Some of the common parasites are bacteria, flukes, ich, argulus, chilodonella, saprolegnia, etc. The following is a list of the most common diseases in aquarium fishes with their brief descriptions. 1. Bacterial Diseases in Fish Bacteria are a very common cause of complaint for fish breeders. There are many bacterial diseases in fish caused due to pathogenic bacteria. These bacteria can either attack the fish externally, or can enter into the body of the fish through the skin and can damage internal organs, even leading to death. Fin rot and bacterial gill disease are the most common bacterial attacks in fishes, in which the fins and the gills are infected respectively. If the bacteria have managed to gain entry into the body, it is known as systemic infection. Bacteria can also cause ulcers and lesions on the body of the fish. Bacterial infe

Recipes to strengthen erectile dysfunction and complete manhood

   Recipes to strengthen sexual desire, solve the problem of erectile dysfunction and complete the sexual process -006 The problem of erectile dysfunction and the inability to complete the sexual process among many men still bothers many of them due to its great importance in maintaining family cohesion and good relations between the man and his wife. Here we present some recipes of different foods that help improve the health and mood of men and women together. Some important foods, such as oats, which contain more iron to strengthen the blood and improve blood circulation, as well as all kinds of nuts, the most important of which are walnuts and walnuts, due to the vegetable oils they contain, are very important for the heart and arteries, as well as garlic and onions as well. Likewise, eating fish, especially salmon, which contains important minerals and vitamins, the most important of which is vitamin D, which is the magic vitamin, in addition to vitamin B, which strengthens the ne

Acid reflux or heartburn, is it indigestion or what? Here's the answer

 Acid reflux or heartburn, is it indigestion or what? Here's the answer -009 What is acid reflux though? It is the liquid in the stomach regurgitating into the oesophagus (gullet). Much of this liquid is acid produced in the stomach which is harmful to the walls of the oesophagus. Reflux happens to most people but because we spend much of our time upright, gravity ensures that the liquid returns to the stomach unnoticed. In addition, we swallow frequently which again returns regurgitated liquid to the stomach and saliva contains bicarbonate which helps to neutralise the acid in the stomach liquid. It doesnt do to ignore repeated instances of painful indigestion though, as it could be symptomatic of something much more serious. That refluxing acid can cause lasting damage to the lining of the oesophagus, which, if left untreated, can lead to other conditions. A friend relates that when she was a child, her father was always chewing on Rennies, a well known antacid in the UK. He used

The problem of premature ejaculation has a definite treatment and solution

 The problem of premature ejaculation has a definite treatment and solution -008 There is no doubt that many men of all ages complain of this major problem that is disturbing their lives - and that one of the main reasons behind this problem is the bad and unstable psychological state and mood - anxiety, fear and tension are all factors that may accelerate premature ejaculation - as well as thinking about something and being preoccupied with other matters. There are others hidden in the mind that make a person unprepared for the fatigue of the sexual process - and therefore whoever complains of this phenomenon must search for those reasons, if they exist, and then treat them without resorting to a doctor. Anxiety, lack of preparation, and use in engaging in sexual intercourse make it end in failure - and every sexual intercourse must be preceded by more time between the spouses to sit together in silence, and there is no harm in starting a conversation that includes some joking and lau


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